Leaky Gardens

Curated by: Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Eve Tagny, Yza Nouiga

Writing Landscape

Vanessa Dion Fletcher
Saturday, June 25, 2022
5:00PM GMT+0
COVID-19 Policy

Images Festival is committed to providing an accessible festival and continues to work to reduce barriers to participation at our events. This year, we are implementing a COVID-19 policy to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for all, and to prioritize the participation of people who are disability-identified, immunocompromised, or part of an otherwise vulnerable group.

The following guidelines will be in place: Self-Assessment: We ask that staff and participants screen themselves for COVID-19 before visiting the exhibition.


“Leaky Gardens” considers the uncontainability of edges and borders alongside the work of three artists who currently reside in so-called Canada. 


Screen-recorded on her computer, Eve Tagny’s documentary-style film Of Roses [how to embody the layers of time] Fragments of a bibliography delves into the historical, political, social, and symbolic context of roses as well as the geopolitical consequences of the rose market. Images, videos, recordings, and texts are presented as primary sources to build a multi-vocal model of the world of these flowers, from the garden to the home. 


While Eve problematizes the rose garden popularized by settlers on Turtle Island, Yza Nouiga considers in Jardins Paradise who has access to gardens and what a garden for the people, particularly those of the Arab diaspora, might look like. Yza prompts the question: In what ways might a garden enforce and designate class, access, and ability, and define who has the right to leisure? 


In both of these cases, the garden is conceived of as something in service—to a body, a community, a politic, an ideology… However, in Writing Landscape Vanessa Dion Fletcher plays with the ways the landscape is written onto the body and suggests that the body may in turn write with, as opposed to on, the landscape. Vanessa traverses coast lines and rock edges wearing handmade copper shoes. Land marks the plated footwear, which is then inked, printed onto paper, and now shared alongside the videos through the print's inclusion in this catalogue. In a way, the marks made by the land become landmarks in and of themselves; the intaglio print then becomes an effigy to the possibility of being in right relationship with the land. 


The films presented in “Leaky Gardens” begin to address the complexity of gardens and all that might pass through them. The porosity of the garden will be further explored in the 2023 Images Festival in a compilation program entitled “Leakier Gardens”.


— This program is part of the suite ok to rest curated by Jaclyn Quaresma.

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